Tuesday 26 February 2019

Wednesday February 27th 2019

Wednesday February 27th 2019

We do seem now to be in a consistent rhythm – does it matter – not really … but what it does mean is that I am sleeping better than I have for years – in fact we both are. John is very definitely benefitting from not having the South African malaise of sleeping with one ear cocked for sounds indicating a security breech. It has been said many times – that it is only when we are away from our beloved country that we notice how alert we are and how constantly we are in ‘watch your back mode’.   So sleep glorious sleep!! I am now waking before John which is not surprising given that I go to bed a good hour or even two before him. I now reach all fall down stage at about 10.30. We are back to sleeping without the air conditioner on – I prefer it that way as I still find I need to feel air moving in the room and to feel that I can breathe – the old panicky feeling of not enough air comes rarely now which is a relief but I kind of play this game with myself before going to bed that I have to be sure that I have set the scene to ensure it doesn’t happen!!!  I have also started using the mossie mat next to my side of the bed so discourage the little blighters!!  I confess to swatting two mossies since arriving here – swatting as in killing them!!  Not very spiritual I admit…..

So today I have watched some tennis already – ATP in Mexica. We are going with Nadia to see the Valley of the Gorges this morning.

Yesterday we ventured out to shop!!  John armed with shopping bags and me trailing my wheelie carry on case, we walked to the bus stop and after quite a long wait caught the bus the two stops to London Way, the bigger centre. I love it that this has become our ‘do’ for the day!!  It was fun sussing out the best buys!! I held up my phone to show assistants photos of the cleaning stuff  we were looking for – Mel and Luke used to do this in Seoul – it works very well!! So trolley load later we unloaded the goodies into our various bags and the case – me with the heavy coolie bottles and detergents, John with the bulky lighter things, and set off to catch the return bus!! And that marks a high point in how we spend our days!!  Once home – we fell into the pool to cool down.

Last evening, I was sitting watching tennis when I looked up and saw Dylan and Nadia waving from the beach! They had parked their car at the public beach and then walked along the beach to find us. They didn’t stay for long – Dyl plunged into the pool and then they headed back as it was already after 5.30 and they needed to get Olivia home for supper etc. I walked a little way with them and then decided to wade back in the water rather than on the beach.  Just all so peaceful and timeless – it seems to be the only way I can describe what we are experiencing – to just wallow in the water and enjoy the sky, the horizon, the clouds, the rocks, the lapping wave sounds and notice the rhythm of the day in each moment.
Today we listened to the pod cast of Josh's interview with Pippa Hudson - he speaks so clearly and with such insight. I marvel at his wisdom and give thanks for who he is. We also had a long chat with Luke - it seems to me that we are chatting more with our sons since being on the island!!  I guess it makes sense as we have more open stretches of time to set up the calls - tricky sometimes as Luke is 12 hours behind us.

Earlier today, we went out with Nadia and baby Olivia to the Valley of the Gorges.  Its about 8 or so kms from the house south along the main road. Its a National Park in Black River - tropical vegetation on either side of a rather narrow road which takes one to the parking area where one leaves one's car to go hiking in the gorges. We parked the car along the road and walked pushing Olivia's pram in the shade. It really was too hot to do anything else and besides which I am not the greatest walker!  There are a number of beehives in the park near the road - one can go in, I guess pay something, and then don full bee keeping gear. There is a chap there who then lights up some kind of smoking device so that one can then rob the hive!!   We didn't stay to watch as we weren't wearing the gear and certainly didn't fancy being graunched by bees - the dam mossies are bad enough!!

The word / mood to describe our experience, is once again - peaceful - as we peered into the pretty dense trees - it reminded me a little of the vegetation in the tropical forest I had visited in Ghana when I walked on the bridge through the canopy. It reminded me as well of standard six geography - natural regions of the world, as we saw buttresses, epiphytes, lianas, huge umbrellas shaped leaves. Once again I took lots of photos which I will load as soon as I can get them from my phone to my laptop. I am having trouble with outlook - but that's another story for another time!!

So for lunch we treated ourselves to the fresh fish we bought yesterday at London Way - delicious tuna steak which cost about R48 and is easily enough for three helpings!  Our diet is pretty healthy.  Lots of salads and fruit. No meat, not much pasta, masses of tonic water and not much wine or liquor. We have made our own store bought pizzas a few times - I guess the fact that our lives are pretty sedentary right now means we don't need too much to keep us going!!Just lots of liquid.

I am still thinking of catching the local busses to go and see Richard, Beulah's son, who lives with his wife and twin son and daughter in Peirie Beyre, in the north of the island (will have to check that spelling!)  It will be an adventure which will take me out of my comfort zone. It will take me a few hours to get there. I will spend the night with them and then catch a whole bunch of busses back again!!  So watch this space - am thinking of possibly going tomorrow so I'd better get onto doing a bit more research - also need to confirm with Richard that I'm coming!!

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